Sunday, August 29, 2010

Team player.

KJ has tried to prepare me for football season. He thinks it'll test our relationship. He doesn't think I'm "ready" for the obsessive football talk. While I can't imagine anything breaking us, I can predict a ton of annoyance. I'm already sharing him with his 20 other hobbies. Hopefully he'll compensate in other ways.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mean girls.

Earlier this week, while grabbing a snack at Panera, I gave my number to a girl who I'd love to go shopping with. Who does that... what a creep show. I think I need other relationships, outside of those I've been handed for being KJ's girlfriend.

And while I was trying to make connections here, I forgot to call my best friend, Shannon, on her birthday. Totally forgot. It didn't even cross my mind. I was away from my cell phone all day, preoccupied with whatever... and I blew it. I'll do better.

Monday, August 23, 2010


When it comes to food, I have huge voids to fill. Once I've found "my favorite this" and "my favorite that," I'm on a desperate mission to replace them. So far, I've found replacements for my favorite Indian, Vietnamese, and Mediterranean food joints! Unreal! My new Vietnamese place is just 5 minutes away from my office, and has a fridge stocked with soybean milk. I thought for a while that I'd forever crave curry from Bacchus in Soho and beef skewers from old faithful: Thai Angel. I'm so satisfied with my meals here... and I'm not blowing up.

Of truth and trust.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. –Victor Frankl

It's been 30 days too long. I'm so torn with this blog. It's hard to be completely honest with the world, the blogosphere, whoever's out there. But I set out to tell a story here (hell, we're still in chapter one.) So, back at it!

As planned, I got a job. Graphic design for a non profit that I love. Working in the South has turned out to be... hard. (I'm at a loss for the right adjectives right now.) It's different. Everything is tiny. Trends that are a part of my vocabulary have yet to even take off here. I'm constantly pushing at limits that I've never had before. In short, I'm not sure what's going to happen... but I have a job.

My friend count here is still pretty low. I forget that everyone is friendlier. Coming from a place where is taboo to smile at a passerby... it's tough to even say hi to someone I admire. Lots of missed opportunities. Am I being too hard on myself? Ah.

Some Gloria Vanderbilt love.